"DESCRIPTION 1"="Disk fragmentation occurs inherently in Windows 9x and most frequently accessed files "break up" spanning across non-sequential clusters, especially over long periods of time."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="But you can limit fragmentation by increasing the free cluster size Windows 9x looks for when storing files on disk, thus decreasing the time the System Agent (Task Scheduler) "Low disk notification" and "Maintenance disk cleanup" and the Maintenance Wizard tools take for tuning up your system, by forcing Windows to ignore larger amounts of fragmented disk space, and to avoid splitting larger files the same time."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="If you have any newer monster multi-GigaByte size hard disk(s), you may want to set this value to "high": 2048 - 4096."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="If you don't work frequently with multi-MegaByte size files, you may want to set it to "low": 512 - 2048."
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to AXCEL216 (http://users.aol.com/axcel216/) for allowing us to rip his description and for this great option."
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks also to CptSiskoX for his help!"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"